Tuesday 19 April 2016

Dream Man

I want him,
A man, Caring & Loving.
He thinks of him as a boy,
has been used by many like a Toy.

But he is a Man. Mature and understanding,
Adventurous and when it comes to loyalty and faithfulness, very demanding.
And how I love that about him!

He is someone who wants to give the whole of him,
but is mistaken and misunderstood with so many other things.
He is not wrong, his choices are different.
He likes to run away from attachment because he is vulnerable.
He awaits the woman who'll respect him for who he is
and the things he's done in the past will not matter at all.

He believes in himself but is broken already.
Little that he knows that he's adored by the one who wants to be his only.
He is probably everything I seek for,
but he doesn't know yet and I cannot speak for.

If his feelings aren't mutual, things are to remain the same.
I wish him good vibes and luck in life, love and games.



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