Tuesday 19 April 2016

Anxious Love

There she was sitting on her couch. 
Only the Colourful sparkles of her DIY light bottles lit up her troubled mind.
She was happy and confused,
Nervous and defused.
Memories of her feelings dwelt
Dreams of what could happen knelt.
Oh those rumbling butterflies in her tummy she felt!
Was the heart sinking or was it flying?
Her mind was exploding.
She doesn't like this feeling.
She has always been clear of what she wants, and for the first time,
all the logical theories crashed, because - Love.
She doesn't want to cry,
She doesn't want to believe.
Her every move can ruin everything
or create beauty and let dreams weave.
She doesn't know what to wear, where to go, and what to talk.
All her mind and heart does is chants his name, missing his presence, driving her crazy.
Her sanity finally bid good bye to her.

Anxiously in Love,

~ Trippy

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