Tuesday 19 April 2016

Be Your Best Version

Day by day I am becoming the best version of myself.
They said you can't become what you were in the past or how you were before you lost your sanity, but that is nonsense.
Only people who are scared of change would say such a thing.
So choose wisely.
What is that one thing that you loved the most about yourself when you were a child or when you were a teenager?
What was that one charm of yours that makes you happy as well as others happy?
I remember being sweet, fearless and a dreamer. I never hurt anyone with my words or actions, and I never walked...I used to keep running, that's why my father says.
I have started becoming my old self again.
I try to be polite but not fake.
I still speak my heart and mind.
I try not to hurt anyone with my words and actions.
And I have started to RUN!
And just to add a sweet quotient, I went for a hair do, back to my childhood hair cut!! it feels so good!
Try... try to be yourself again :) unless you are happy the way you are now...

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