Tuesday 15 March 2016

Something's Missing.

It's been rather long.

Long, having time and yet not having the energy to accept my mind.

My times have been tiring.
And eventually all the exciting- fun, over hyped events and occassions, killed my feelings.

I am absolutely fake when it comes to be excited.
I am content enough and yet not content. I am happy, yet not that happy to show how happy I am.

But people who are too happy, all the time, overwhelm me, so much so that I start to feel low...

Low enough to make me angry...

Angry because I don't know why am I feeling so low?

Am I depressed?
Because clearly the alcohol isn't working on me either.

No. I am not sad. I know when to be happy.
Just not too happy.

My life is just.... going on…
There is nothing new, and a lot is missing.

I am just waiting for someone to slap me out of my monotony and the cold brick that I have become.

Someone to add a spark.
Add Love, may be?


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