Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Grow Up

Grow Up.

What does it mean?
Does it mean you have to grow up to be mature
Or simply grow up physically?

How does it matter?
It matters, with time.

One grows up when they start to accept changes.
When they get used to things and patterns of life.

For me, I have grown up in many ways.

Acceptance being the core.
I have no space for negativity.

My heart isn't cold, but yes, I am detached, and that is just me protecting myself.

I regret nothing.
And above all,
I have begun to hate less and have started being happy for myself and others.

I have always liked and loved a guy, in hopes and dreams, sharing everything and nothing, but still not telling what I feel for him.

I haven't grown out of him, I haven't gotten over, but I have accepted everything.

I knew I could never be with him or have him for life.

And now I have grown up.

I am happy seeing him Happy with someone else, for I know if I were in her place, he would never smile this way with me the way he does with her.

Love is never too less, or too much, or not enough.
Love is love.

You just have to grow with it.


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