Tuesday 15 March 2016

Be Yourself

It wasn't long time ago that a "once upon a time" loved one to ME, told me that I killed their feelings…and I am never there for them, and I am selfish and how I don't care enough.

Far from my reality, not knowing that there are days I am quiet because I don't want to hurt anyone, because I CARE.
Nights are scary because loneliness seeps in with the past, making me think wonder if my future is as dark as my nights.
And then there are days, I have to cry it out and to put myself to sleep, I don't call anyone and tell them how I am feeling, yes, I am SELFISH.
However I try to be there for people, my loved ones and my friends leaving my priorities aside, only because I just want to be there for them because I know how it feels when no one is there for you when you need them the most.
And like untold, un-warned December rains, some memories and some beliefs with connected dreams washed off...

None the less,
I continue to do what I do and what I like...
The least, I have learnt, is to love yourself, no matter what.
People will come, people will go.
They will talk, they will bark.

Be the way you are.
Be yourself.

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