Monday 29 February 2016

Like I Feel

When you were here, wish you could feel the way I do.
Share a little, know a little and a little what we felt.
The Little we would be together, but the ‘little’ I know of is not going the way it should.
You are no more here, wish you could feel, Like I Do.

Empty, yet Happy.
Something inside me still waiting for that same little old thing called HOPE.
Hope to see you..
Besides me, around me, with me.
Empty isn’t empty enough;
Silence so loud that it hurts;
Happiness is just a word and incomplete is the only feeling left.

Now that you are not here, I know you importance, I know my days were days and nights were nights.
Now I only wish for the darkness, for I can hide in it; where I don’t have to bare the light of a bright sunny day or tolerate the fascination a night can bring to me.
This world is a scary place you know… not all people who smile mean peace to you.
Intentions are hidden while the eyes sparkle.

For I still miss you and wish you were here to know a little and share a little, to feel like I feel.


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